Medicare supplement insurance plans in West Augusta, VA 24485, Augusta county are designed to cover what Original Medicare does not pay in full. Call us at 877-785-5439 for a free, instant quote comparison, or use our online quoting tool to compare rates.
Medicare Supplement Insurance, also known as Medigap insurance is a type of insurance policy that is sold by private insurance companies. Original Medicare alone, only covers about 80% of your Medical expenses, leaving about 20% left to pay by you. This can be scary, because there is no limit to this amount. A supplemental plan will limit your out-of-pockets cost and protect you from the potential high cost of medical care.
Original Medicare is divided into four different categories as follows:
A-Hospital Insurance
B-Medical Insurance
C-Medicare Advantage Plans
D-Prescription Drug Plans
The first part, hospital insurance, covers any hospitalization that’s needed while the second part, medical insurance, covers your consultation fees when you go to see a doctor and any other medical supplies that you may need. There are some gaps in these two types of coverage and that is where a Medical supplement insurance plan or a Medicare Advantage plan comes in handy.
Medicare Supplement vs. Medicare Advantage Plans
One of the main differences between a Medigap insurance plan and a MA plan is that with a Medicare Advantage plan you can only see doctors and hospitals who are in network and accept that particular Advantage plan that you have. You generally, have to get referrals and you will pay more out-of-pocket with an MA plan. Medigap plans, however, allow you to see any Medicare doctor/hospital anywhere in the country. You have the ability to see specialists without a referral and you will have much better coverage than a Medicare Advantage plan.
Purchasing a supplement plan can be somewhat overwhelming especially if you are not familiar with the application process. In general, you must be at least 65-years of age or older and enrolled in Medicare A and B. There are 10 modernized plans to choose from (A to N) and there is also a high deductible plan F. Before purchasing any plan, it’s a good idea to decide what plan will be the best fit for you. Plan F is most comprehensive and the most popular plan. However, you will often find that Plan G provides the most value when comparing the premiums between F and G. Also plan N can be a great fit for someone who is looking for great coverage but doesn’t care to pay a high premium.
If you are in need of coverage, it’s wise to get assistance from a broker. This is because brokers do not charge for their services and it is a very convenient way of comparing prices from several companies at once. This way, you will be able to analyze all the options available including the rates that they offer and find the one that is right for you.
What is the best plan to choose?
The best plan is the plan that fits your needs and lifestyle. For most people a plan F, G or N will be the right plan, for others a high-deductible plan F is the right choice. Call us at 877-785-5439 to get help deciding what plan is right for you.
The most basic Medigap plan is high-deductible plan F. This plan can be found for around $50 per month and covers you with a $2,180 deductible. This is a good option for someone who doesn’t need full coverage but wants to protect themselves against the potential high medical costs they can incur. Plan F generally costs about $130 – $150 per month in Arizona and plan G is around $100 per month. The only difference between plan G and plan F is you are responsible for the Part B deductible on plan G, which is only $166 for the year. Otherwise plan F and plan G are the same.
Plan N is similar to plan G. You are still responsible for the $166 Part B deductible, but there is also a $20 copay at the doctor’s office and Part B excess charges are not covered. Plan N average about $85-$90 per month.
It is also important to note that the premiums do increase over time. Plan F increases at the highest rate because there are more people on plan F than plans G and N. To minimize the rate increases we give all our clients a call about a month before their annual renewal and simply compare the rates again. If there is a better rate available we give our clients the option to make a change and save money. This ensures the money stays in your pockets and not the pockets of the insurance companies! Call us at 877-785-5439 to learn more about this unique service that we offer.
What Are The Best Companies?
There are many good companies to choose from but the best company is the one that has the best rate and the best history of stable rate increases. Medicare supplement plans F, G and N are offered by all the major companies. The companies we like the best are Aetna, Mutual Of Omaha, United Health Care / AARP, Cigna, Humana, Equitable, CSI Life, Physicians Mutual, American Continental, Manhattan Life, BlueCross Blue Shield, Medico and Philadelphia American.
Carrier pricing will vary depending on several factors. For example; AARP plan F might be competitive for someone who is 65 but may be overpriced for someone who is 75. This is why it is important to ensure you are not going to be overpaying for your coverage.
These companies all have been in the business are very long time and have shown to have stable rate increase histories. The best rate is going to be a factor of your age, gender and exact physical location. Call us to compare rates; 877-785-5439.
Comparing Rates
Because the plans are identical between the companies, you are mainly comparing price once you have selected the plan that is right for you. For example, suppose you decided on Plan G; now you want to find the company that offers the best rate for plan G in West Augusta, VA 24485. To do this you need the help of an independent broker. We would love to help, call us at 877-785-5439 or use our online quoting tool to find the best rates today.
Benefits of Purchasing a Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan
Ability to choose your own hospital and doctor- The good thing about Medicare Supplement Plans is that you have complete freedom of choice for your hospital and doctor. You just need to have Original Medicare. You do not need to have a referral if you want to see a specialist.
Coverage is guaranteed renewable for life, As long as you pay the premium you will always have coverage, as long your alive. The premium cannot change due to your health and the policy will always pay the Medicare approved expenses.
Any hospital or organization that accepts Medicare will accept your Medicare supplement plan. This is one of the differences between a Medicare supplement and a MA Plan. If you have a Medical Advantage plan it may not be accepted.
Portable coverage- Original Medicare is designed in such a way that it can cover you anywhere in the United States. Your Medicare supplement plan will also cover you anywhere that your existing Medicare does. As a matter of fact, there are some plans that can even cover your emergency medical expenses outside the United States. It’s good to know that you can purchase a plan that can cover you even if you are outside the country. This will give you a piece of mind when travelling abroad.
There are certain situations whereby one can purchase a plan without being asked any medical questions. You can enjoy this right when you are in your Open Enrollment Period, when you are first eligible for Medicare. Also, if you are losing employer coverage you may be eligible for a guarantee issue; this is when you don’t have to answer any health questions. Call us at 877-785-5439 if you have any questions.
The Bottom Line
There are ten Medicare supplement plans and each plan is assigned a plan letter. Coverage is standardized across each plan; this means that you will receive the exact same benefits and coverage, no matter what company you have your plan with. Medicare Supplement plans cover out of pocket expenses that are not covered by Original Medicare that include deductibles, coinsurance and copayments.
When shopping for a plan it is important to compare all the companies in your area to ensure you are not going to overpay for your coverage. You want to make sure you are getting the best coverage at an affordable rate. Use our online quoting tool or call us at 877-785-5439 for assistance.
Why Work With Us?
You should choose us for assistance with your Medicare insurance needs because we are:
- Completely independent and work with ALL the top companies
- Experts on Medicare insurance
- Don’t to sell you life insurance something else you probably don’t need
- Conduct annual reviews to ensure you are not overpaying for your coverage
- We work harder and smarter than any local agent out there!